WEBVTT 00:00:00.060 --> 00:00:02.010 There is an economic sector in Germany 00:00:02.010 --> 00:00:05.080 that enables mobility and independency for millions of people. 00:00:06.000 --> 00:00:07.000 A sector, 00:00:07.000 --> 00:00:09.180 that has produced a dozen global market leaders from Germany, 00:00:09.180 --> 00:00:13.070 that exports high-tech made in Germany all over the world 00:00:13.160 --> 00:00:15.230 and generates two-thirds of its sales with it. 00:00:16.080 --> 00:00:19.170 A sector that invests around 4 billion euros every year 00:00:19.170 --> 00:00:23.220 in research and development and registers over 15,000 patents. 00:00:24.140 --> 00:00:28.080 A sector that creates hundreds of thousands of highly qualified jobs in Germany 00:00:28.080 --> 00:00:32.060 and 13,000 apprenticeships in future technologies. 00:00:33.060 --> 00:00:37.040 A sector whose innovative strength saves tens of thousands of lives every year 00:00:37.080 --> 00:00:40.140 and where the course is set for tomorrow's quality of life. 00:00:41.120 --> 00:00:44.040 All of this is medical technology from Germany. 00:00:45.130 --> 00:00:47.180 But you've probably already figured that out. 00:00:48.210 --> 00:00:51.080 Health has a future. 00:00:51.080 --> 00:00:54.100 Medical technology.